Career Center

Experiencing high employee turnover? Do these 10!

The modern work place is as fast as a rocket. Look around! We do things as though the world is ending the next minute. As a result; high pressure, stress and unfavorable work schedules have merged, yet with lower pays that do not meet living standards. This agenda is fueling high employee turnover across the globe.

Here is a summary of some remedies to high employee turnover.

1. Hire the right people

Hiring the wrong people means you will eventually fire them. Ask these questions always, before the preferred candidate signs the job contract. Does he or she has the right skills, knowledge and experience to do the job? Does his or her attitude and communication skills fit your work culture? Is he or she patient? Can he or she handle pressure? Is he or she willing to work for the agreed remuneration and for long hours at times.

2. Pay in time

It is as simple as that. If not achievable, ensure you communicate. Let people know you care about their financial needs. My bitter truth, “Money loses monetary value once its paid late”.

3. Reward your employees

I don’t need to explain this.

4. Use the open communication model

This typically means don’t close communication with your employees. Know them by name, talk to them, be part of their conversations. Do not forget to set limits though.

5. Implement flexible working schedules

Don’t make people work for long hours, Monday to Sunday, January to December! What’s this even? Consider them working from home some days. Or else, set flexible work shifts. Any career that separates your team from their families, friends and fellowship days affiliated to their faith is a no go zone for most employees and they will resign.

6. Do training and development

If the employee possesses 60% of the skill sets needed for the job, do not fire them. Training and development can help them improve their skills and build their confidence to innovate the will to execute job duties perfectly.

7. Do not shout at your Team

Do not go on with jargons such as “you are incompetent”, or “you will be terminated”. Unfiltered words to your subordinates lowers your level of respect, wisdom and professional ethics that your Team ought to give you. Negative energy in a loud human voice demotivates.

8. Sympathize and empathize

9. Learn to say thank you

I asked a high ranking manager! Why do you focus on what I have not done and never appreciate my achievements? They replied; “Well, I expect you to achieve and not to fail”. This was a feeble statement. Thank you at times carry unmeasurable weight than a small salary increase. Appreciate your Team. Make them feel they are doing something great.

10. Minimize micro management

Don’t get into the least affairs of your employees. You at times do not need to keep an eye on their screens, mobile phones or forth. Assign duties clearly, set deadlines and ask for results. The question of “how far” after 30 minutes of allocating an activity that you have set to be done in 5 days is elitism grounded on ignorance.

This article was written by Izaac Wambi, a Media and ICT Innovations Expert, a Founder and CEO of Activemakes. He uses Media and Information Communication Technologies to make the World a good place for everyone on the face of the earth.